Battling Burnout in Dentistry with Sandy Baird, MBA

Please join us at Chattanooga State’s Health Science Center for two hours of continuing education credit.  

Registration will begin at 5:30 pm, dinner will be served during the social hour, and the program will start at 6:30 pm. The event will end between 8:00 and 8:30 pm.

Sandy Baird, MBA of Baird Concepts, Sewanee, TN will be our speaker.  You can read more about Sandy and her dental consulting business here.

Is the career you worked so hard and invested in so dearly on the rocks because of work-related stress? If so, you are far from alone. Years before the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared work burnout and stress-related diseases as the number one health threat to our species.The pandemic has only multiplied its damage. What is the reason? According to WHO, work-related stress is usually caused by poor work organization, work design, work processes, management, and a lack of support and control. Are you starting to feel the burn? Do you know the symptoms? Does feeling the burn mean you are doomed to end your career before you can reach the pinnacle of your practice’s profitability and financial security? The answer is yes if you don’t take action to address its causes and chronic nature. No, if you make an effort to recognize the symptoms, make real changes, and learn how to rectify the issues. Don’t let this happen to you. Take the first step and attend this seminar. Don’t allow yourself or your important and valuable career to crash and burn right in front of your eyes.

Staff members are also welcome to register for this event.


Feb 21 2023


Program begins at 6:30 pm.
5:30 pm


$65 for ADA Members & team members, and $100 for Non-ADA Members (dinner included), with discounts for new dentists within 5 years of graduation.


Chattanooga State Community College
4501 Amnicola Highway Chattanooga, TN 37406


Lacey Heftka, CADS Executive Director