Tuesday, February 11 Dr. Auster Try THIS, instead of THAT, 2020: An interactive guide to exquisite dentistry
Dr. Peter Auster “Try THIS, instead of THAT, 2020: An interactive guide to exquisite dentistry”
Dentistry is changing…really fast. This rapid moving, info-driven presentation will send attendees home with LOTS of pearls to move your practice into the 2020s. Better, less expensive products; brand new techniques; digital alternatives; large equipment to buy and NOT TO BUY- all come together in a fun, interactive presentation.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to cut through the marketing and find the BEST products.
- Experience Groundbreaking new composites, cements, perfect contact matrixes
- Don’t lose that case: PHASE it with composite onlays
- Headaches: How to fix your patient’s and your own with deprogrammers!
- How to pick the RIGHT digital scanner for your practice or none at all
- Millennials: How communicating THEIR way will expand your practice!
- Why are zirconia crowns falling off? Discover the right cements and cement protocol for every material, 2020 (NEW UPDATE!)
- Bioactive, biomimicry basics- Why we ALL must use them now
- Learn about an AMAZING treatment for anterior decalcification
For 2 Hours of Continuing Education Credit
All team members are welcome!
Social hour begin at 5:30 pm, dinner at 5:45 pm, and the lecture starts at 6:30 pm.
Event details:
Social hour begins at 5:30
The program starts at 6:30
Event ends between 8-8:30